Essential Oils
Essential oils are the volatile, aromatic oils obtained by steam or hydro distillation of botanicals. Most essential oils are primarily composed of terpenes and their oxygenated derivatives. Different parts of the plants can be used to obtain essential oils, including the flowers, leaves, seeds, roots, stems, bark, wood, etc.
Not everything in nature produces an essential oil. For instance, you won’t find a strawberry, coconut, raspberry or even vanilla essential oil. Citrus essential oils fade (scent) in cold process soap, oils like cinnamon and clove shouldn't be used in leave-on products as they are skin irritants and are considered hot oils in cold process soaps and can accelerate trace as well as be a skin irritant. Other essential oils like juniper berry can’t be used if you’re pregnant or if you have kidney problems.
The shelf life of essential oils can be maximized by storing them in dark glass bottles, keeping their caps tightly closed, and keeping them refrigerated or in a cool, dry location away from sunlight.
Do not take any oils internally and do not apply undiluted essential oils, absolutes, CO2s or other concentrated essences onto the skin without advanced essential oil knowledge or consultation from a qualified aromatherapy practitioner.